Math Behind PMM

Token Type

base and quote are two concepts that will be mentioned frequently. Two easy ways to distinguish between them are:

  • In a trading pair, the base is always the token before the hyphen, and quote is after it

  • In transactions, the price refers to how many quote tokens are needed in exchange for one base token

For example, in the ETH-USDC trading pair, ETH is the base token and USDC is the quote token.

Pool Parameters

The funding pool of PMM is described by four parameters:

PMM Formula

The PMM price curve is plotted by the following pricing formula:

AMM & Stable Swap Use Cases

PMM supports transition to AMM and stable coin trading as well.

Traditional AMM

PMM is a generalization of AMM, when:

  • k = 1

  • deposit and withdraw in proportion to the current pool ratio

Stable swap

PMM can also be used as stable swap, when:

  • i = 1

  • k = 0.0001

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